I brought my friend Bonnie to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. (I know, but she wanted to go She read about one in a " Martha Stewart magazine" at the doctor's office) She became quickly fascinated by the different vegetables on display. "Well, would you look at that!" she would exclaim, "What is that?" she would ask, pointing to an unfamiliar vegetable like a kohlrabi, a radish display or a bunch of beets. "Oh, I know what beets are!" She said happily. " I've only seen those already sliced on a salad bar! This is fun!" she had discovered a whole new world. Bonnie was also offered many samples from the vendors and she ate a $2.50 breakfast sandwich. "I'm getting full!" she said. "I found a new place for a cheap lunch!" she said as she passed the hot dog seller, while she was still chewing her sausage and pickle samples. It was nine a.m..
"Look! Apples!" she yelled when she saw something she recognized. "Hey! Look! Cucumbers! I know what those are!" They were actually zucchini, sitting next to some yellow squash. "Except, I wouldn't want those yellow ones. They don't look done to me." She whispered. "But don't say anything," as if I were going to complain to the farmer about selling bad cucumbers.